About Liang Wei |
Pacific Northwest Art Exhibition, Bellevue Art Museum, Seattle,
1996 Bellevue Art Festival, Group Show, Gunnar Nordstrom Gallery
Kirkland, WA.
1995 36th Annual Puget Sound Area Exhibition, Frye Art Museum,
Seattle, WA.
1994 "Red and Black: Current Paintings of the People's Republic
of China".
Viaduct Studio, Seattle WA. “Landscape Cityscape",
North Community
College Art Gallery, Seattle WA.
Group Show, Davidson Gallery, Seattle, WA.
1993 Chinese culture center, Seattle WA.
1992 "Altered Realism” Davidson Gallery, Seattle, WA.1981
Group Show,
1989 Sichuan Province Oil Painting Exhibition, Chengdu, Sichuan,
1988 Sichuan Province Printmaking Exhibition, Chengdu, Sichuan,
1979 Beihai Park Academy, Beijing, China.
1978 National ministry Art Exhibition, Military Museum, Beijing,
Sichuan Earthquake fundraise both China and American, Bellevue
Art Museum Fundraise, Seattle Ponch Fundraise, Seattle Fire Fighter
Fundraise, Seattle Children Hospital, Rose Garden Fundraise Portland
Oregon, Millville Art Commission, Fred Hutchinson Cancer research
Center, King on Nurse Home, Seattle Young’s Dancing, Lake
Side School, Shoreline Art Commission.
Nanshan Auction House Shenzhen China
Lecture key speaker at Northwest art society Seattle 2010
Lecture Interpreter for professor Wang Lin at Seattle Asian Art
Museum 2009
Meyer Merit Award Northwest Museum 2008
Lower Columbia Community College Commission Work Final list
First place in painting West Palm Spring Florida 2006
Edmond Art Festival People’s Choice Award.1994
COLLECTIONS (selected in public )
Art Museum Shenzhen China 2010
Bank of China Shenzhen China 2010
Ever Bright Bank Shanghai China 2009
Wenjie Electric Beijing 2009
Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 2003
Pacific Coast Feather Co., Seattle, WA, 2000
Seattle City Light 1% Collects Award Program 2000
Quilceda Elementary, Marysville, WA, 1998
Northwood Junior High, Renton, WA.,1998
Highland Elementary. Lake Stevens, WA, 1998
Nine Mile Falls Middle School, Nine Mile Falls, WA, 1998
Prime Call International, Seattle, WA 1997
Elma Middle School, Elma, WA, 1996
Pioneer Valley Elementary, Spanaway, WA, 1995
Vaughn Elementary, Vaughn, WA, 1995
Metro Bus Mural, Seattle, WA
Washington State Arts Commission
King County Art Commission
Microsoft Corporation
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Bank of America
Japan Calendar
Key Tower.
Toyota USA
Western Wireless
Holiday Gala
Dan Lynch,
a guest and supporter from the San Francisco area, purchased an
original painting by local artist, Liang
Wei, depicting "A Day in the Life of the Hutch"
for $20,000. He then gave the painting to Fred Hutchinson patient,Joyce
Miner, who also spoke during the evening.
At right the painting donated by Liang Wei
Artistic Act of Kindness
One of the
most touching gestures during the Hutch Holiday Gala came when
Dan Lynch of Napa Valley, Calif., bought a painting by Seattle
artist Liang Wei depicting “A
Day in the Life” for $20,000. He then gave it to Fred Hutchinson
patient Joyce Miner, who spoke about her experience fighting cancer.
“Dan was so inspired by Joyce’s courage and optimism,
he wanted to thank her in this way,” said Larry Feder, vice
president of development. “The gala moves people like Dan
to take some extraordinarily generous actions. It’s a special
for detail:
paintings of Liang Wei are dreamy, thoughtful and calming
landscapes of the Northwest.